Why should you do match dating with people who aren’t your type?

Should you fuck around with local fuckbook sites like https://www.localfuckbook.net looking for people that aren’t your type? This is a loaded question. Why? Because it’s pretty much the same as asking a guy how long has it been since he stopped beating his wife. Do you see how it works?

Basically, you assume certain things with a question and the person is basically forced to confirm the fact that you assumed. It’s bullshit. It’s all mind games and it doesn’t really lead to anything substantive. The interesting thing here is the concept of type.

I’m telling you, if you are going to adult dating sites, you need to kiss that concept goodbye. That shit is so high school. That shit is like early stage college thinking or late high school. As you get older, you would realize that you can pretty much stick your dick in any kind of woman and have a good time. I’m talking about short, fat, brown, black, white, Asian, Japanese, Filipino, Thai, midgets, chicks with one arm missing, you name it.

Why am I saying this? What I’m saying is that preference is personal. If you’re into midgets, then who are other people to judge you? Do you see where I’m coming from? Do you see how this all works out?

So the people who think in terms of type are really selling themselves short. Maybe the best sex that they would never ever get to enjoy is from people who are simply outside their type. This really is too bad. They ended up denying themselves the best thing they could have enjoyed. The worst part is they are completely clueless regarding how this came to be.

Stop believing in type, focus instead on enjoying the moment and looking for distinct possibility in all the people that you meet. That’s how you unlock a truly pleasurable situation. Explore your needs and your capabilities for pleasure. You don’t have much time left to do it. You only live once.